Monday, April 4, 2011

You're Getting Uglier Every Day...

A recent bbm convo with one of my male friends:

Home Slice: So are you in a relationship yet?
Me: I'm more focused on starting my career right now.
Home Slice: You can focus on both.  Sometimes a good partner helps you focus.
Me: Blah Blah Blah. LOL
Home Slice: All I'm saying is if you like each other just make it official.  You're not getting any younger.  And you"re getting uglier every day.

So I got to thinking.  He's right.  I am not getting any younger, and my attractive quotient can only decrease exponentially at this point.  I'm still hoping they will invent something before I'm 40 that will completely halt the aging process.  Eff that I'm a 10!

This conversation also got me thinking about dreams deferred.  I always think it's so sad to hear people talk about their regrets; things they wished they would have accomplished while they were still young and full of vitality.  I don't want to be one of those people.  I'm going to grab life by the balls.

Random thoughts usually reserved for twitter:
1.  Mr. Cee likes men.  Well, receiving sexual favors from men.  I knew this time in hip hop would come.  Hopefully the community will not completely shun him.  He's here, he's queer, get over it!

2.  I wonder how people who used to date someone famous before they were famous feel when they see or hear about them on TV.  Like, is Oprah's high school sweetheart feeling like he really took an L?

3.  When my book gets published one day make sure you go out and buy it.  I have no idea what it's going to be about.

4.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was killed on this day in 68'.

5.  I wonder what that Hispanic guy from NY Undercover is up to these days.

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