Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sluts Are Winning...

I have been saying this to my friends for months now, and it seems quite obvious.  There is a new breed of woman running about and it seems quite apparent that women who use their sexuality and who seemingly bring nothing else to the table appear to be reaching new heights of success.  I'm no simpleton, I know that women have been getting over on their looks since the beginning of time, but this is a whole new ball game.  Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose are the first to come to mind.  Yet even your average around the way girl with a phat ass and pretty face seem to be on the come up a lot quicker than some of my more educated female friends.  They marry faster, don't work as hard, and pretty much have the world at their fingertips.  This is not meant as a hateful rant against good-looking women, but it does send a message.  The message is if you're pretty...f*ck school.  I have an advanced degree and you know what, if I had ever thought to use my looks and achieve half of the money and success that Kimmy K has, I would have never have done the extra schooling and become Sallie Mae's bitch.  Again, i'm not hating, I'm just trying to figure out how I can give the daughter I may have someday any real reason to work hard if she's pretty enough not to.  I pray to baby Jesus that my child never releases a sex tape publicly, and I definitely will be disappointed if they choose to forego education and achieve success through their looks alone.

Amber Rose has a reality show coming out...fml

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