Monday, December 15, 2014

Here is Why Chris Rock is Amazing

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I laugh, but I also always feel a little less smart after listening to him speak.  I find him brilliant, and along with other older Black celebrities has reached a point in his career where he can say whatever he wants and no one holds him to the high level of scrutiny or political correctness as most other entertainers.  One could argue that comedians naturally are given creative license in this regard, but it goes further than that.  He doesn't just make "white people crazy" jokes.  He makes "white people crazy" jokes with real insight.  And he's not saying anything that goes above our heads.  It's insightful, factual, socio-political commentary that is hilarious without being too threatening.  It makes white people uncomfortable because it's true.  And he seems to revel in that discomfort.  I don't know whether he enjoys making white people uncomfortable or he just doesn't give a fuck.  But that seems to be the genius of it. In fact, that is the very essence of his charm.  He doesn't just say things to get a reaction, his thoughts are sincere. 

I've always said that there is a difference between being witty and being funny.  One is not better than the other, but there is a difference.  I often associate most humor with farce, physical comedy, or slapstick.  Chris Rock jokes are none of those things.  But he still manages to hit smart punch lines without sounding like an intellectual snob.  It's the greatest thing to me.

Right now he is on a hell of a truth tour to promote his new movie Top Five.  Like most Chris Rock films, it has some critical acclaim but at first glance you know it won't do as well in the box office as you'd want it to.  Overall I would say his films give you only a glimpse of his genius.  He's come a long way from "Pookie".  And I'm here for it.