Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Lena Dunham

I felt compelled to chime in on all the hullabaloo surrounding Lena Dunham's book excerpt from Not That Kind of Girl detailing the interaction between herself and her sister's private parts, and the overall criticism of her as a person:

Yes, she is neurotic and annoying. Yes her writing is mediocre at best and the subject matter mostly trivial. I still watch her show even though I don't relate to any of her white people problems because I happen to find white people problems intriguing. I actually read her book. The "abuse" everyone is talking about happened when Lena was also a child. Was it wrong and a weird thing to be comfortable sharing with the world? Yes. Is it as horrific as everyone makes it seem, not to me. Sometimes I think people revel in being able to judge others. We all have our shit. More people than you realize have done something odd and perverted (not saying that her act was one of perversion, as it was described in her book as one of childlike curiosity). More people than you realize are neurotic, hypocrites, and "new racist" and "new black". What makes us judge everyone so harshly? Do we live up to the same standards we expect of celebrities?  The only issue I have as it relates to Lena Dunham is the fact that her story gets told and ours doesn't. She gets to be who she wants and tell her story her way and black people, women especially don't seem to get that same opportunity.